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Introduction to S@S Agile Vietnam Conference 2018 11/17 HCMC 11/18 Hanoi Kiro Harada
Introduction to S@S Something y ou should know before you do scalin g Agile Vietnam Conference 2018 11/17 HCMC 11/18 Hanoi Kiro Harada
Kiro Harada (原田騎郎) ✤ Attractor Inc. Founder & CEO ✤ Agile Coach, Domain Modeler, SCM Consultant, @haradakiro
Scaling that works So whatʼs scaling?
If you can only scale-up or scale out, You are not scaling. You are bloating.
Why you need to scale? And what are you scaling?
Alejandro Aravena https://www.archdaily.com/tag/alejandro-aravena By Centro de Políticas Públicas UC - YouTube - Premio Abdón Cifuentes 2015 - Alejandro Aravena, CC 表示 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46394794
Before scaling… ✤ Have at least two great scrum teams in your organization ✤ Teams that know how to improve products, process, and teams.
Scrum @ Scale Framework © 1993-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 256
Scrum@Scale: Definition • Scrum (n): A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. • Scrum@Scale (n): A framework within which networks of Scrum teams operating consistently with the Scrum Guide can address complex adaptive problems, while creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. • NOTE: These “products” may be hardware, software, complex integrated systems, processes, services, etc., depending upon the domain of the Scrum teams. © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 15
Scale-Free Architecture • If you want to scale exponentially you need a “scale-free” architecture • Otherwise you risk introducing waste into the system and slowing the whole organization down • You will not achieve linear scalability • Scale-free architectures are pervasive in biology (ex. neural networks) • They are able to evolve to perform new functions more rapidly than an alternative network design Digital Darwinian world reveals architecture of evolution Source: http://chronicle.uchicago.edu/061207/darwin.shtml © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 16 Diagram of a scale-free network that contains components with a highly diverse level of connectivity. Some components form highly interconnected hubs, while other components have few connections, and there are many levels of interconnectivity in between. Scale-free networks are pervasive in biology. Computer simulations at the University of Chicago show that scale-free networks are able to evolve to perform new functions more rapidly than an alternative network design.
Scaling Challenge: Bureaucracy & Hierarchy • A bureaucratic processes creates poor decision latency. • Everything we do requires so many sign-offs that nothing gets done. • We have layers upon layers of managers. • Therefore, we need a Minimum Viable Bureaucracy. © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 17
The Scaled Daily Scrum: The SM Role Scaled NEW ROLE • In order for the SoS to be most effective, we need a Scrum of Scrums Master (SoSM) to ensure that: • Impediments are shared and removed • Knowledge is spread and standardized • Dependencies are discussed and resolved • The SoS functions as a Release Team •Scrum must scale in an organic way consistent with the Scrum Guide or it will be slow •Using a Scrum of Scrums reduces communication paths but increases communication saturation © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 18
Scaled Daily Scrum (SDS) SoS • • Exists to coordinate the Scrum of Scrums and remove impediments to the delivery of value to customers The SDS event mirrors the Daily Scrum • An opportunity to re-plan in order to achieve the Sprint goal for the SoS • • Surfaces impediments Shares learnings for continuous improvement © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 19 SM SM SM SDS SM SM
The Executive Action Team • Accountable for the quality of Scrum in the organization • Owns the Organizational Transformation Strategy • Owns the Transformation Backlog and “eats impediments” that block it • Removes impediments not handled at the Team level due to scope, budget, or corporate political power • Executes the Transformation Strategy or delegates it to a center of expertise (often called the Agile Practice) • Measures and improves the quality of Scrum in the organization to build capability for business agility © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 20
Typical Impediment Escalation © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 21
Scaling SAAB Technologies to Hundreds of Teams Synchronizing 2000 People in 1.25 Hours! • • • • • 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 Daily Scrum Scaled Daily SoS Scaled Daily SoSoS Scaled Daily SoSoSoS Executive Action Team © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 22
Who should be on the EAT? ? • A leader who can change company policy without having to ask permission [ex. COO, CIO, CTO] • Someone who can write a check [ex. VP of Finance] • Someone who is a Scrum Star [aka. Agile Champion] • • Leaders who can motivate change • Someone from Legal/Compliance Someone from People Ops HR] © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. [ex. 23
Scaling the Product Owner PO PO PO PO CPO MetaScrum PO PO Chief Product Owner Product Owner •Team •Sprints •Validated Learning •Multiple Teams •Roadmap •Coordinating teams © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. Executive MetaScrum 24 Chief Chief Product Owner •Value Streams •Vision •Organizational Priorities
The MetaScrum: Refinement Sprint/Time t Me a r Sc um t Me C Vision P OP O SH SH Aligned Product Backlog © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. a r Sc um t Me C P OP O Validated Learning 25 SH SH Aligned Product Backlog a r Sc um C CPO C PP OO Validated Learning SH SH S H Stakeholders Aligned Product Backlog P O Product Owners
The MetaScrum Backlog Refinement • A MetaScrum Scaled Backlog Refinement Meeting is a gathering of Key Stakeholders, Leadership, Product Owners, and Team members. • Run by Chief Product Owner • Did anything change that would change the strategy or priorities? • Aligns enterprise around single backlog • The forum for stakeholders to express preferences, remove blocks and provide resources needed (they should not try to alter product vision between MetaScrums) • Decompose upcoming backlog © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 26
Scrum Master and Product Owner Functions Scale Coordination Differently Scrum Master Product Owner • Share best practices • Collectively solve problems & remove impediments • Maintain clear and consistent product vision • Optimize business value • Respond decisively to changing market Product PO team Scrum of Scrum of Scrums Component PO team Scrum of Scrums CPO Component PO team Team CPO PO T T T © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 27 T T T CPO PO PO T T T T T T PO T T T T T T
Why would we need an Agile Practice? • In a smaller company or implementation, the EAT can both develop the transformation and implement it • As a company grows or as the implementation gets larger, it is common that the executives who create the transformation strategy do not have the time to dedicate to implementing it • As such, they may delegate the implementation to another group, which is known as the Agile Practice © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 28
Maintain a Clear Product Decomposition Hierarchy Conceptual Hierarchy Decomposition Level Feature Epic Be the banking provider of choice for small businesses Product Vision Product Initiative Example Component Goal Feature Capability Epic Epic Increase SB usage of eBanking website Component Goal Add online customer center for self-service of common needs Feature Capability Find Branch location Epic Retail bank center rated “excellent” by SB customers Add monthly financial reporting summary to track company profits Stop Payments Access historical statements Able to search for specific language skills Story Able to search close to a specified address Story Story Able to search by hours of operation Story © 1983-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 29
Scrum @ Scale Framework © 1993-2018 Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc. 256
Questions? ✤ Scrum@Scale Guide ✤ https://www.scrumatscale.com/scrum-at-scale-guide/
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