Scrum - The Past and The Future

Regional Scrum Gathering 2023 Dhaka


1. Scrum - The Past and The Future Regional Scrum Gathering Bangladesh 2023
2. Harada Kiro Agile Coach, Domain Modeler, Supply Chain Consultant, Certified Scrum Trainer-Regional. Started his career as a chemical engineer, then switch to software engineer to improve the whole process. Practicing Scrum since 2004. It is always a better and lazier way to do it. 2
3. Attractor Inc. ✤ Attractor Inc. / ✤ Established Dec 2016 ✤ Tokyo, Japan ✤ Agile Coaching, Product Development Coaching, Trainings, Translations 3
4. Presentation Training Coaching Certi cations Suitable for all categories fi business and personal Publication Etc.
5. Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the speaker and do not necessarily re ect the views or positions of any entities the speaker represent. fl 5
6. Scrum in the Past 6
7. Software is Eating the World (2011) 7
8. What have happened by now ✤ Software has eaten the World 8
9. What is this? 9
10. 10
11. 11
12. Carburator 12
13. fi 13 les/faq/20-08-01_faq_df_r3_ jp.htm
14. Most of Current Hardware needs Software to Operate ✤ Take a look at a smaller piece of hardware. 14
15. LED Blinker Circuit ✤ Astable Multivibrator 15
16. Let’s take a look ✤ LED Blinker Kit by Elekit ✤ LK-CB1 16
17. What kind of IC used? 17
18. 18
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20. Software is more LED Blinker ✤ Discrete Circuit ✤ Timer ICs ✤ Microprocessor 20 fl ✤ exible and cheaper
21. Software has become much cheaper ✤ Hardware has become relatively more expensive 21
22. Software has eaten the World John Zachman said in 2016 “You’re software developers. But you are not developing software. Imagine what happens if your products stop working in one morning. You’re not building software.” 22
23. Why? 23
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26. ✤ Hardware is Hard ✤ Software is Soft ✤ Software is much easier and faster to run experiments. ✤ Software is easy to adopt change. ✤ E ective way to create Knowledge ff 26
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28. Let’s take a look at Waterfall ✤ ✤ DOD-STD-2167A ✤ Defense Systems Software Development ✤ de ned by US Department of Defense in 1988 Tried to develop software just like hardware fi 28
29. This is NOT Waterfall 29
30. 30
31. ` 31
32. ✤ Software Advantage comes from Softness ✤ ✤ Developing Software in Hardware way would kill Softness, thus Software Advantage DOD-STD-2167A was abandoned in 1995 32
33. ✤ Waterfall has never been an appropriate way of developing software ✤ ✤ It kills software softness. Tried to copy hardware way in a hard way. 33
35. Christopher Alexander "At the core... is the idea that people should design for themselves their own houses, streets and communities. This idea... comes simply from the observation that most of the wonderful places of the world were not made by architects but by the people".
37. The New New Product Development Game (1986)
38. SCRUM Methodology (1995)
41. SCRUM: An extension pattern language for hyper productive software development (2000)
43. Scrum ✤ Organizational Patterns ✤ Toyota Production System ✤ The New New Product Development Game ✤ Empirical Process Control ✤ Wholeness 43
45. Agile Manifesto (2001) ✤ It was a radical way if you see it from the waterfall viewpoint. ✤ It has been the way we have done for long time. 45
46. ✤ Shorter Feedback Cycle ✤ Shorter Improvement Cycle ✤ Shorter Learning Cycle 46
47. Expanding Scrum Application ✤ Scrum is used outside software as well. ✤ Hospital ✤ Marketing ✤ Police! 47
48. Break Take a break / Have Tea or Co ee ✤ Prepare your questions / feedbacks. ff ✤
49. Scrum - The Future
50. What is the Product of Scrum ✤ A process for a team to produce valuable products. ✤ Valuable products are not the direct product of Scrum. 50
51. Scrum Scrum (n): A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. 51
52. Really? ✤ Product Success Rate? ✤ Build Traps? 52
53. Product Death Cycle 53
54. 90% of Startups Fail 54
55. スタートアップ失敗の理由 ニーズがない 資金が尽きた 23% 適切じゃないチーム 42% 29% 19% 18% 17% 17% 14% 14% 13% 最大の問題はニーズのないものを作ること 13% 13% 10% 9% 9% 8% 8% 8% 8% 7% 競合に負けた 価格・コスト 不親切な製品 ビジネスモデル欠如 稚拙なマーケティング 顧客無視 時期を逸した フォーカスの欠如 チームと投資家の不仲 ピボットが裏目 情熱の欠如 地理的拡大の失敗 投資家の関心が得られない 法律面での課題 ネットワークの未活用 燃え尽き ピボット失敗 0% 12.5% 25% 37.5% 50% 55
56. 56
57. Continuously Delivering Value? ✤ A framework generates failed product at the rate of 90%. ✤ ✤ Is this framework successful? Why people still use that framework? 57
58. What do you want from Agile / Scrum? 58
59. What happened outside Software 59
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61. Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm 1991) 61
62. Power to the Edge (2003) ✤ Command and Control in Information Age 62
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65. Information Age ✤ Intellectual Workers ✤ How can we have more intellectual workers? 65
66. How can we train people? ✤ You need skills to steal other people’s skills. ✤ OJT is all you need. You need to train yourself. 66
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71. What is the Real Product of Scrum? ✤ Valuable Increments? ✤ Getting feedback to the product (increments) and the process at the same cycle is a bad idea. It makes the system unstable. ✤ It makes the system unstable. 71
72. The New New Product Development Game • Built-in instability • Self-organizing product teams • Overlapping development phases • “Multilearning" • Subtle control • Organizational transfer of learning 72
73. Scrum Guide (2020) Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. 73
74. The Real Product of Scrum is: People, teams and organizations: - develop adaptive solutions to complex problems - continuously learn and improve 74
75. It’s your turn to demonstrate your product; yourself, your team, your organization. Enjoy the gathering. Thank you. 75


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